Need advice on cycle

Gym Lover

New member
Jun 20, 2024
Hello all

Who am I:

I am a 34 year old man who has been training for about 14-15 years in the gym. For 12-13 years I have been training naturally without any gear.I hit the gym 4-6 times a week and I am very dedicated.
A few years ago my progress stagnated and 2 years ago I decided to hop on a basic test-E 6 month cycle, 250-375mg every 5 days. Then I was off for 6 months and on again for another pure test-E 500mg every 5 days for another 6 months. Now I have been off again for 8 months. After both cycles I waited 10 days and then I went on a 30-45 day Tamoxifen 20mg per day treatment to reactivate my test production.

Now I want to do another 6 months cycle this time I want to stack test with dbol (Metandienone) and in the last part of the cycle test with anavar (Oxandrolone).

My questions:

  • What is the correct stack? 2 months pure test, then 2 months test and dbol and then 2 months test and anavar? Or what makes sense.
  • What is the amount mg dosage I need to take per day for dbol/anavar and when during the day do I take them. I have 10mg tablets. Do I need to consider taking it with or before or after certain meals? Do I need to consider taking them before or after my training sessions in the gym?
  • Does it makes sense to do the first 2 months pure test to build up my test levels and get used to the cycle before I start with the dbol?
  • Do I need to make a break between the dbol and the anavar or can i start the anavar the day after i stop the dbol? I believe dbol is processed by the liver and anavar by the kidneys, therefore one can be done immediately after the other?
  • After finishing the anavar do I immediatelly stop the cycle or do I do another month of pure test, with slowly reducing the dosage? Or do you stop the test at the same time with the anavar and hop on Tamoxifen?
  • For the a pure test only cycle I understand that post cycle Tamoxifen is enought. When using dbol and anavar do I need to consider another additional medication on top of the Tamoxifen, or do I need to replace the Tamoxifen with something else?
  • During the cycle I normally also take isotretinoin (accutane) against the acne. I know this is bad for the liver. Can I take this medication during the weeks that I am using the dbol, as dbol also is hard on the liver? Or is the double effect on the liver too much? Should I better take the isotretinoin during the last phase of the cycle with the anavar?
  • Do I need to consider any bad interactions between the dbol/anavar and natural supplements like creatin, bcaa's, l-glutamin or all the pre work out pump aminos like l-arginin, citrulin malat etc.?
If there are other important aspects and remarks that I did not cover, I am happy for any contructive feedback.

I am aware of the health risks of these substances and I have my bloodwork checked by a professional doctor every 1-2 months during the cycles. So far my bloodwork has been ok.

Thank you